Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Murdstone Trilogy: a Novel by Mal Peet –NO

Peet, Mal The Murdstone Trilogy: a Novel 313 pgs. Candlewick, 2014. $18.99 Content: Language: PG13 (15+ swears); Mature Content: R(yuck) Violence: G
Philip Murdstone, once a popular author is having trouble connecting with todays readers, he write realistic fiction and everyone wants fantasy. His editor, who he is obsessed with, is encouraging him to just throw some fantasy elements together and it will be great, that’s all todays fantasy is anyway. But Philip isn’t so sure, he doesn’t know anything about fantasy. But help comes to him, with a price.
I absolutely did not care for this book. The language is pretentious and the cadence is downright irritating. I loathed all of the characters and found them to be downright pathetic. I could not care less what happened to them. I am not sure if the author was serious about making fun of ever aspect of the fantasy genre or making fun of himself and I am taking it too seriously, but I have a little opinion of my own. I don’t care how terrible the fantasy is that todays publishers put out, the world is a &*(% scary place and if these books help todays children and adults find some measure of escape, then happy day! Working at an elementary school I am privy to some of the sad stories of the lives of the children that pass through these doors and its enough to bring me to tears just pondering it, and if there is nothing I can do to help these children, the least I can do is hope they can find some means of escape through reading, and if that is junk fantasy, so be it. I am tossing this book in the trash.
Adult –NO  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.


Ms. Yingling said...

Exactly how I felt. This was in no way a YA book. Adult all the way AND annoying to boot!

Stephanie said...

I am relieved that someone else disliked this book. I was hoping it wasn't just a joke that I alone didn't get.