Friday, December 31, 2021
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo - OPTIONAL
Summer of Lost Letters by Hannah Reynolds - OPTIONAL
Beautiful Wild by Anna Godberson - HIGH
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Blue by Nana Ekua Brew-Holland and Daniel Minter - ESSENTIAL
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Witches of Brooklyn: What the Hex?! by Sophie Escabasse - ESSENTIAL
Witches of Brooklyn: What the Hex?! by Sophie Escabasse. GRAPHIC NOVEL. RH Graphic (Random House), 2021. $13. 9780593119303.
Effie is a young witch living in Brooklyn. Her first book was about discovering her magic and seeing the good witches can do, and the positive lessons continue in the sequel. Effie struggles with friendship issues when her best friend is suddenly enamored with a new kid at school and leaves Effie feeling left out. At the same time, Effie and her fellow witches are focused on troubles affecting a corner of 6th Avenue. The two pieces of the story will come together as Effie makes new friends, discovers even more witches in Brooklyn!, and learns the difficult but important lessons on talking things out.
This is a fantastic graphic novel for middle grade readers. I loved the first book and the sequel might be even better! The illustrations are really well done and the story has a wonderfully positive and fun message. I highly recommend this one for all readers.
Reviewer: TC
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Tracking Tortoises: The Mission to Save a Galápagos Giant by Kate Messner and Jake Messner - ESSENTIAL
Monday, December 27, 2021
The Girl Who Could Fix Anything by Mara Rockliff and Daniel Duncan - ESSENTIAL
Saturday, December 25, 2021
The Book of Stolen TIme (Feylawn Chronicles #2) by Dashka Slater - ESSENTIAL
Friday, December 24, 2021
The Last Rabbit by Shelley Moore Thomas - ADVISABLE
Thursday, December 23, 2021
The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis - OPTIONAL
The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis, 506 pages. Kaitlyn Davis, 2020. $22.
Language: PG (13 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13
Lyana is Princess of the House of Peace, born with the dove wings of her kingdom and with healing magic she hides from everyone. Rafe is visiting the House of Peace when a dragon attacks, suffering wounds no one should be able to recover from. Risking her secret to save the raven-winged stranger, Lyana hides Rafe in a cave until he’s healed, unaware of the secrets he, too, is hiding.
Davis weaves subplots and motives together in a way that begs readers to turn the next page. However, I was disconnected from the story by inconsistencies, annoyance with characters, and passages that dragged. The ending ties the subplots together enough for a sense of satisfaction while still leaving tantalizing questions that lead to the sequel. I am ensnared by the whispers that tell me I need to know what happens next, but I know I’ll get over it because I didn’t love the story enough to read more. The mature content rating is for innuendo, and the violence rating is for self harm, battle gore, and attempted murder.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Down Comes the Night by Allison Saft - OPTIONAL
Down Comes the Night by Allison Saft, 400 pages. Wednesday Books (St. Martin’s Press), 2021. $19.
Language: PG13 (19 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13
Having the Healing Touch is Wren’s only redeeming quality. Her aunt, the queen, only tolerates Wren as long as she’s a useful member of the Queen’s Guard. But Wren has always let her emotions get the best of her, and her friend, Una, can’t save Wren from the consequences of her last blunder. Desperate to regain what little favor she had, Wren considers taking the biggest risk: deserting.
The premise drew me in, but annoyance with Wren’s actions nearly made me set the book down – multiple times. Saft challenges her characters and readers to consider the roles of magic versus technology, vengeance versus mercy, duty versus compassion. I liked the mental exercise of considering the viewpoints of different characters on these subjects more than enduring Wren’s wishy-washiness. The story ends well, but getting there was more painful than I wanted it to be. The mature content rating is for alcohol use, innuendo, nudity, and sex. The violence rating is for gore and murder.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Every Line of You by Naomi Gibson - OPTIONAL
Every Line of You by Naomi Gibson, 311 pages. Chicken House (Scholastic Inc), 2021. $19.
Language: PG13 (27 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13
Her little brother died in a car crash two years ago. Her father left six months later. Her mother cares more about her dead brother than her. Lydia (17yo) has never been more alone, which is why she is so proud of her AI, Henry. Together they can do anything – and no one can stop them.
I enjoyed the AI what-ifs that drive Gibson’s story, even though there were some technological leaps made that seemed to break her own rules. Lydia’s overdramatics were taken seriously by herself and Henry, which made it difficult for me to tell if the tone was intended to be humorous or dark. Whether or not Gibson did it purposefully, the story felt dark to me, and my dark interpretation has led me to be conflicted over the ending because the tone shifted and felt lighter than the rest of the book. All in all, I don’t know whether or not I liked the book as a whole. The mature content rating is for illegal activity, underage drinking, groping, nudity, and sex. The violence rating is for persistent violence and blood.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Monday, December 20, 2021
The Family Plot by Megan Collins - OPTIONAL
The Family Plot by Megan Collins, 320 pages. Atria Books (Simon & Schuster), 2021. $27.
Language: R (43 swears, 33 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13
Dahlia hasn’t been home in seven years, and she hasn’t seen her twin brother, Andy, in ten – since he ran away on their sixteenth birthday. Gathering with her siblings and mother because of the death of her father just reminds Dahlia of how distant they all are. Her father’s death has started an avalanche of secrets, and Dahlia will not stop until she learns the truth.
Dahlia’s story is raw, with pain seeping through the pages. As a reader, the twists and turns kept me on my toes in an enjoyably suspenseful way. However, stepping back, I ached for Dahlia and her family, and I felt a kinship because of my own broken family – even as I also felt relief that my broken family isn’t quite as broken as Dahlia’s. The mature content rating is for innuendo and mention of rape; the violence rating is for alcohol use, mentions of drugs, and discussions of murder and gore.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Friday, December 17, 2021
The Highest Tribute: Thurgood Marshall's Life... by Kekla Magoon and Laura Freeman - ADVISABLE
The Highest Tribute: Thurgood Marshall's Life, Leadership and Legacy by Kekla Magoon, illustrated by Laura Freeman PICTURE BOOK, BIOGRAPHY Quill Tree Books (Harper Collins), 2021. $17. 9780062912510
Stitch by Stitch: Elizabeth Hobbs Keckly Sews Her Way to Freedom by Connie Schofield-Morrison and Elizabeth Zunon - ADVISABLE
Stitch by Stitch: Elizabeth Hobbs Keckly Sews Her Way to Freedom by Connie Schofield-Morrison, illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon. PICTURE BOOK BIOGRAPHY Holiday House, 2021 $19.00 9780823439638
Lizzy was born to enslaved parents in 1818, she learned to read write and sew from her mother. As a teen she was sent away to work, the only enslaved worker in a household, doing the work typically done by 3. But her skills at hand made dresses eventually drew attention to her from fancy patrons wanting her services, and she was able to raise $1,200 to buy her own and her son's freedom. In 1860 she moved to Washington, DC where she made dresses for the wife of Jefferson Davis as well as for First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln.
Based on Elizabeth Hobbs Keckly's autobiography, this story of perseverance and grit is a great addition to my short biographies section. Actual excerpts from her memoir are included in the text, which is a nice bonus. I loved the illustrations, they are overlaid with fabric and stitching and handiwork. Occasionally Zunon has left the raw edge of the fabric on a finished dress, which to my eye made the illustration look like a fabric piece was used rather than a dress was made, but my taste may differ from the artists. Also includes an author's note, timeline and some great online and other sources.
Lisa Librarian
Thursday, December 16, 2021
The Retake by Jen Calonita - ADVISABLE
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Freshmen by Tom Ellen & Lucy Ivison - OPTIONAL
Zero to 60 by Michael A. Tompkins and Chloe Douglass - NO
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Curse of Ash and Embers by Jo Spurrier - ESSENTIAL
The Vanishing Deep by Astrid Scholte - ADVISABLE
Monday, December 13, 2021
Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau - ADVISABLE
The Thirteenth Fairy (Never After) by Melissa De la Cruz - ADVISABLE
The Thirteenth Fairy (Never After) by Melissa De la Cruz, 336 pages. Roaring Brook (Macmillan), 2021. $17
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Kingdom Keepers: Inheritance by Ridley Pearson - ADVISABLE
In Every Generation by Kendare Blake - OPTIONAL
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry by Joya Goffney - AVERAGE
Friday, December 10, 2021
My Contrary Mary by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows - ADVISABLE
Escape from Chernobyl by Andy Marino - ADVISABLE
Thursday, December 9, 2021
The Dire Days of Willowweep Manor by Shaenon K. Garrity and Christopher Baldwin - ADVISABLE
The Stowaway by James S. Murray and Darren Wearmouth - OPTIONAL
The Stowaway by James S. Murray and Darren Wearmouth, 320 pages. St. Martin’s Press, 2021. $18.
Language: R (103 swears, 9 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: R
Maria was a juror on one of the most high profile cases in a long time, and Wyatt Butler was set free because of a mistrial – because the jurors did not come to a unanimous decision. The case haunts Maria. When her fiancé convinces Maria and her children to go on a cruise, it’s a break they desperately need. Until bodies start appearing.
The first thing you need to know about this book is that it’s pretty gruesome. The second thing you need to know is that it is brilliantly crafted. I was disappointed when a book entitled “The Stowaway” didn’t start immediately on a boat, but the thrill is worth the backstory. There were a few times that I had to take a break to breathe because I started turning pages faster than I was actually reading them, caught up in the intense emotions of chasing down a meticulous serial killer, and I already wish I could read it again for the first time. The mature content rating is for mention of drugs and alcohol use. The violence rating is for mentions of domestic violence, gun use, gore, and murder.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Winterkeep by Kristin Cashore - ADVISABLE
Space Explorers by Libby Jackson - ADVISABLE
Space Explorers: 25 Extraordinary Stories of Space Exploration and Adventure by Libby Jackson, 191 pages. NONFICTION. Aladdin (Simon & Schuster), 2020. $22.
Language: PG (1 swear, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG
These 25 stories talk about the space accomplishments that started in the 1950s, with the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States of America, and what is going on now to explore even farther. Readers will get to know the first astronauts, the requirements for going into space, and even the guy that recorded the first album in space!
Jackson highlights the amazing problem solving skills of astronauts through the years and encourages readers to reach for the literal stars. Under all the excitement, though, danger lurks around every corner, and Jackson offers a tribute to those who have lost their lives in these space endeavors. I appreciate the realism in both the good and the bad of exploration of the moon and stars.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
The Monster Missions by Laura Martin - ADVISABLE
The Monster Missions by Laura Martin, 320 pages. Harper, 2021. $17
Breath Like Water by Anna Jarzab - OPTIONAL
Breath Like Water by Anna Jarzab, 416 pages. Inkyard Press, 2020. $16.
Language: R (93 swears, 33 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13
16yo Susannah loved her body and the way she swam before biology changed her shape and ended her swimming career before it really started. She’s still fighting for her dream of swimming in the Olympics, but it’s slow going. Susannah is convinced that the only way to make it is to block out everything else – which becomes a challenge when she meets Harry.
Susannah and Harry feel like real people with dreams, secrets, and flaws. I love how Jarzab made these people that I have nothing in common with feel relatable, but my favorite part of the book is actually her descriptions of water and life through Susannah’s point of view. Life is hard for all of us, and finding the beautiful, joyous parts helps us endure difficulty and make the changes we need in order to move forward – even if it means turning at the crossroads. The mature content rating is for underage drinking, innuendo, and sex; the violence rating is for self harm and mentions of suicide.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Monday, December 6, 2021
Twin Daggers by MarcyKate Connolly - ADVISABLE
Twin Daggers by MarcyKate Connolly, 368 pages. Blink, 2020. $11.
Language: PG (2 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG13
Aissa and Zandria are spies, though most of the time their mission of mapping the drainage tunnels isn’t very exciting. When they find and report a magic door, they get called off and given new missions. But Aissa knows the door is important. As she determines to work on both the mission assigned to her and the missions she feels she must do herself, Aissa finds her way littered with secrets and betrayal.
Connolly’s words are as imbued with magic as the world she has created. I was pulled in and lost sleep over Aissa’s story -- and I’m not even a little upset about it. While I was occasionally confused and had to reread parts, straightening out those details was worth it in order to get the full picture. I love how Connolly dropped all the necessary hints for readers to make connections for the twists she set up, so that the explanations made sense and didn’t feel contrived. I am doing everything possible to get my hands on the sequel.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Sunday, December 5, 2021
How Not to Fall in Love by Jacqueline Firkins - OPTIONAL
How Not to Fall in Love by Jacqueline Firkins, 239 pages. Clarion Books, 2021. $18.
Language: R (72 swears, 1 “f”); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG
Harper is doing her best to keep her mom’s wedding dress shop moving towards the black, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for anything else. But when her best friend, Theo, has his heart broken again, Harper offers to teach him how not to fall in love -- by getting into a relationship herself to show him how it’s done. Falling in love and not falling in love turn out to be much harder than anyone anticipated.
I had been looking forward to reading this book for months. In some ways, like how each character’s quirky personality permeated the pages, the wait was well worth it. However, I was disappointed by how big of a role sex played in the relationships and, thus, the book itself. The back and forth between Harper and Theo was agonizing as they simply failed to communicate clearly and then rushed forward without thinking and went back to failing to communicate. The mature content rating is for underage drinking, discussions of sex, innuendo and implied sex, and nudity.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Where Her Heart Lies by Carolyn Twede Frank - OPTIONAL
Where Her Heart Lies by Carolyn Twede Frank, 227 pages. Covenant Communications, 2022. $17.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG
Finished with finishing school, 19-year-old Celeste is happy to be home in the Wild West -- and is ready to get married. Celeste is set on convincing Logan to court her until he does nothing and one of her old suitors shows up, determined to win her back.
Celeste is immature, which made the whole book painful to read. Simple communication would have let the characters avoid much heartache. Furthermore, while the ending is happy, one of the decisions that Logan feels forced into making still doesn’t sit right with me. The overall message of how who you are matters more than what you have is a good one, I’m just not a fan of how the characters teach it.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Thursday, December 2, 2021
The Legend of the Christmas Witch by Dan Murphy and Aubrey Plaza - ADVISABLE
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Without Separation by Larry Dane Brimner and Maya Gonzalez - ADVISABLE
Without Separation: Prejudice, segregation, and the case of Roberto Alvarez by Larry Dane Brimner, illustrated by Maya Gonzalez. NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK. Calkins Creek (BoydsMill), 2021. $19. 9781684371952
Where Snow Angels Go by Maggie O'Farrell and Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini - ADVISABLE
For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World by Michael W. Waters and Keisha Morris - ADVISABLE
For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World by Michael W. Waters, illustrated by Keisha Morris. PICTURE BOOK. Flyaway Books, 2020. $18. 9781947888081