McMillan III, Frank N. The Young Healer, 208 pgs. Mackinac
Island Press, 2012. Language - PG (9 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content -
G; Violence - G;
Feather's brother Peter is in the hospital worrying everybody.
Feather wants to do something helpful, so, when her grandfather takes her out
of school, she's relieved to go see her brother. However, the hospital isn't
their first stop. Or their second. Or their third! Can all this running around
really help Peter?
The Native American culture I learned in this book is really
interesting. Feather's grandfather is a medicine man and he shares some of the
Indian ways with Feather and the readers. Another thing I like about this book
is how Feather gets to go on an adventure in the city she's grown up in. An
adventure doesn't have to mean going somewhere exotic as long as one can met
new people, learn new skills, and discover the courage within themselves.
MS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH