Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Taken by Storm by Angela Morrison - ESSENTIAL

Morrison, Angela Taken by Storm, 288 pgs.Razor Bill, 2009.$16.99. Language-PG-13 (17 swears, 0 "F"'s),Sexual Content PG; Violence PG; Michael is just tyring to escape the horror of Isadore, the storm that took his parent's lives and revisits him dayly. After moving in with his grandma Michael finds a lifeline. Lessie. Lessie is a perfect Morman girl and is excited to get into her dream college; BYU. When they find eachother, Michael thinks that Lessie is his savior, when he's with her Isadore doesn't constantly hound him, and for the first time in a long time, he feels something for her. For Lessie it's harder than she lets on, she's going against her religion by dating a non-mormon, but she feels that she needs to help him, even love him.  I loved this book! I felt that it was very relatable for me. I loved Michael and Lessie's love.  I thought that it was a sweet and cute book about getting over a tragedy and learning to love.  MS HS ESSENTIAL Student Reviewer: Kylie Usher

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