Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Fitzosbornes in Exile by Michelle Cooper- ADVISABLE

Cooper, Michelle. The Fitzosbornes in Exile, 450 pgs. Alfred A, Knopf, 2010. $17.99 Language G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’) Sexual Content- G. Violence-G. After fighter planes hit their beloved island of Montmaray, the royal Fitzosborne family is forced to flee into exile. Now living in luxury in England with their Aunt Charlotte, Sohpie, Victoria, Toby and Simon are all fighting for a way to get their home back from the Germans occupying their kingdom. I liked this book, while the island of Montmaray isn’t a real place, it still gives a good idea of what would have gone on had Germans occupied a small island in the first stages of WWII. Middle School, High School- ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: AL.

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