Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Circle of Secrets by Kimberley Griffiths Little- ADVISABLE

Little, Kimberley Griffiths. Circle of Secrets, 323 pgs. Scholastic Press, 2011. $17.99 Language G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’) Sexual Content-G. Violence-G.

When eleven year old Shelby gets left with her father by her mother, she doesn’t think she’ll ever talk to her mamma again, until her father gets called out of the country for work and Shelby is forced to move to the Louisiana Bayou to live with her mother. Forced to live with her mother, the traituer or swamp witch, and being tormented by her new classmates pushes Shelby to skip out on school and meets a girl named Gwen who lives alone on the bayou. Shelby’s happy to have met a new friend, but there’s mysterious surrounding her that only her mother can answer.

I liked this book, it was well written and believable enough to give me chills at some points!

MS - ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: AL.

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