Friday, November 7, 2014

Bringing Down the Mouse by Ben Mezrich - OPTIONAL

Mezrich, Ben Bringing Down the Mouse, 326 p. Simon, 2014.  $17.  Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence -PG.

Charlie Lewis thinks that he is pretty smart.  No one around him is better at equations than he is.  His challenged, however, by a group of kids who call themselves the Carnival Killers - their goal is to beat every common carnival game, because they are all rigged anyway.  Now the group is moving on to bigger things, however - beating the spinning game at Incredo Land and winning lifetime park passes.  Or is there a bigger prize?  And a deeper game?  Charlie had better figure it all out or he may really hurt someone.  I’ll just say it - I have no room in my life for Ferris Bueller types - and Charlie is definitely a Ferris Bueller.  If you like books about smart aleck kids who are better than everyone around them, then you will like this one.  

EL, MS - OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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