Thursday, October 6, 2011

Naamah and the Ark at Night by Susan Campbell Bartoletti-OPTIONAL

Bartoletti, Susan Campbell.  Meade, Holly. Naamah and the Ark at Night, 32 pgs.  Candlewick, 2011.  $16.99.  Inside cover: “Naamah is the wife of Noah, and her name means “great singer.”  For forty days and forty nights, as the ark tosses on storm wracked seas, Naamah sings.  She sings to the animals, two by two.  She sings to her husband, her sons, and their wives.  She sings, and they all sleep, finally at peace.”  The watercolor collage illustrations in this book are wonderfully inviting. The lullaby is simple and unique.  Because it is a bible story about Noah’s wife, I don’t think there is much application to the classroom.  But we enjoyed it nonetheless!  Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  OPTIONAL.  Reviewer: SL. 

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