Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Hermes: Tales of the Trickster (Olympians) by George O’Connor -ADVISABLE

O’Connor, George  Hermes: Tales of the Trickster (Olympians), 77 pages.  GRAPHIC NOVEL.  First Second, 2017.  $19. Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG.
A traveler stops at the home of a giant covered in eye balls (Argus) –he offers to trade stories for hospitality. He tells of series of stories about sneaky baby Hermes was, of Hermes goat legged son (Pan), and how Hermes saved his father Zeus. Turns out the traveler was a god in disguise with a tricky plan. Stunning graphic novel illustrations.
I have reviewed quite a few of the books from this series and love them. The artwork is top notch and the author brings some clarity into the often nonsensical and complex stories of Greek mythology. I still am of the firm opinion that these are better for middle and high school –there are just a plethora of sexy characters and relationships, that while those same plotlines written in words aren’t inappropriate for elementary –when given life in imagery are a bit much.

MS, HS –ADVISABLE.  Stephanie, Elementary School Librarian & Author

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