Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Star Wars: Rogue One by Matt Forbeck - OPTIONAL

Forbeck, Matt   Star Wars: Rogue One.  186 pages. Disney: Lucasfilm Press, 2017. $10.99. Language: G; Mature Content: PG ; Violence: PG

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Jyn remembers when the Empire destroyed her life. Her mother was killed and her father taken by the Empire to build a weapon that would end the rebellion once and for all. That was back when she was eight years old, and now, too many things to count have happened, but that all add up to put her inside an Imperial cell. Thus begins the retelling of the tale of reluctant heroes who undertake a suicide mission to give the Rebels a fighting chance against the Empire by stealing the plans for the Death Star-- plans that reveal a tiny but fatal flaw designed into it by Jyn's father.

Despite the fact that this is a junior novelization of a very popular movie, it is not badly done. The short chapters move the story along at a quick pace, giving insights into characters that a screenplay would not necessarily do, while remaining very faithful to the action of the movie. The language is neither too extensively descriptive or sophisticated to discourage a middle-grade Star Wars fan from diving in, nor too sophomoric for a parent or educator to feel guilty about recommending it. I don't know if it will convert new fans to the Star Wars franchise, but it will definitely be popular with the young readers who already are.

EL (4-6) - OPTIONAL. Reviewed by P. K. Foster, MLS, teacher-librarian

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