Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thirteen Chairs by Dave Shelton - ADVISIBLE

Shelton, Dave Thirteen Chairs, 256 pgs. David Fickling Books, 2015. $17.99. Language: 6 swears; Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG-13

Jack has heard about this house and the mysterious goings on that occur there. One dark night he finds himself brave enough to enter and faces a room with twelve people sitting around a table with a thirteenth chair waiting for him. One by one the people at the table each share a ghost story. As the night wears on Jack worries about what story he will tell until it becomes clear which tale he must impart.

This is a book that will give safe scares to young readers who enjoy stories of things that go bump in the night. The thirteen stories vary in quality with only three or four that can be considered truly original and spooky with the remaining stories ranging from fair to adequate. Overall the book is enjoyable with an ending that will provide a twist that readers will find satisfying.


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