In the third and final installment of the Lynburn Legacy Rob
Lynburn has taken control of Sorry-in-the-Vale and is demanding human sacrifice
to secure his power. He must be stopped and Kami’s magic is growing stronger,
but her connection to Jared has been severed and an uncomfortable link to Ash
has been created in its place. Making matters worse, Jared is missing and
presumed dead. Kami must enter into an uneasy alliance with Lilian Lynburn and
together, along with Kami’s usual crew, they will attempt to take back their
town and destroy Rob.
As is the unfortunate trend with many trilogies, the third
installment in this series is unnecessary. Most of the essential plot points
could have been easily included in the second book. The final part to the Lynburn Legacy drags on with little
momentum and characters that were once vibrant and interesting have become
whiny and irritating. Numerous tense and violent situations are undercut by the
author’s insistence of having the characters engage in inane banter. A
disappointing end to what had been a promising series.
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