Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Heroes of 9/11 by Allan Zullo - ADVISABLE

Zullo, Allan, Heroes of 9/11. Pgs. 192. NON-FICTION.  Scholastic Press, 2015. $5.99. Language: G, Mature Content: G, Violence: G

On 9/11/2001, 4 planes and the terrorists who controlled them wreaked havoc on the United States of America. Many lives were lost, but many heroes were made that day. From animals to police, from every day people to first responders, ordinary individuals performed extraordinary deeds. These are their stories.

Told in short story format, Zullo does a great job of mixing action, dialogue, and facts into each story. Harrowing from end to end, readers will have a hard time putting this non-fiction collection down. Recommended for most libraries.


Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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