Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lucy’s Tricks and Treats by Ilene Cooper –ADVISABLE

Cooper, Ilene Lucy’s Tricks and Treats (Absolutely Lucy: Book#5) 112 pgs. Random House Books for Young Readers, 2012. $4.99.  (Rating: G).
Its nearing Halloween and Bobby has the perfect idea for his costume. Both he and his beagle Lucy are going to be dressed as pirates. When the dog costume goes missing, he is worried the new boy at school Jack, might have something do with it.
This book manages to pull off being both “great” and “wholesome” without feeling cheesy, dated, or simplistic. That’s a talent author! Hooray! I think students will love this chapter book about a boy who really cares about his dog, and it functions perfectly as a standalone despite being #5 in a series.
ELEMENTARY –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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