Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dinosuars and Weather by Dan Green-ADVISABLE

Green, Dan, Weather: Whipping up a Storm. Kingfisher, 2012. Pgs. 64.

Green, Dan, Dinosaurs: The Bare Bones. Kingfisher, 2012. Pgs. 64.

Meet Atmosphere-a many-layered characer who keeps the planet cozy as well as Drought, El Niño, Hurricane, and other parts of weather. How about in Basher’s Dinosaurs book. Readers will learn about  characters like Tyrrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, the Microraptor, and many more.  

Readers who are interested in learning about weather or dinosaurs in a fun, manga-like format will enjoy reading these books. The text is informative and helpful. The layout is engaging and easy to follow. The included index adds a helpful level to the book as well. Great for any library collection. EL (4-6), MS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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