Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Fooled You by Johanna Hurwitz

Hurwitz, Johanna. I Fooled You, 192 pgs. Candlewick Press, 2010.  $16.99.  Language-G. Sexual Content-G, Violence-G. Author Joanna Hurwitz, collected 10 short stories written by different children’s book authors centered around the phrase, “I fooled you.”  These ten stories are completely different in imagination and exploration even though they are centered around the same theme.  My son’s favorite story was about a boy named Josh who was a huge baseball fan. He was sure that his sister, Cammi, was playing a joke on him every morning.  He set a trap to catch her.  My son really liked this book, and especially this story because it was really funny and had a really exciting ending. He also loved reading about Josh trying to teach his cat some new tricks.   EL. ADVISABLE.  Reviewer:  SL and Student JL, age 8.

1 comment:

Carmela Martino said...

I'm so happy your son enjoyed my story in the collection. Thanks so much for sharing his comments.
Carmela Martino