Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey

Yancey, Rick Monstrumologist, 434 pgs. Simon & Schuster, 2009. Language - PG (27 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - R; William James Henry had recently died and no one knew anything about him. A collection of journals was found and you have the privilege to read the first three volumes of Will Henry's almost impossible tale. The story of a boy and his experience with some monsters and a monstrumologist. A thrilling, action-packed story that was strange yet alluring in the beginning turned bad as I kept reading. It has very detailed imagery, but in this case, it is not a good thing. Some parts were too gory, I practically had to skip whole paragraphs in order to avoid it. If you don't mind gore, it's a great book to read with mystery and excitement everywhere. Even if you end up not liking it, like myself, you can't help but be there and empathize with poor Will Henry. HS - NO. Reviewer: CCH

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