Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nevermore by Kelly Creagh

Creagh, Kelly, Nevermore, Simon & Schuster Children's publishing Division, 2010, 543 pages, Language: G , Violence: PG , Mature Content: PG.  Isobel has a pretty great life, until an English project pairs her with one of the creepiest guys in the school. Varen is mysterious, quiet and is maybe the total stereotype of the word goth. Isobel is horrified at this pairing, but there's more to Varen than his outward appearance. Isobel finds herself slowly falling in love with his old fashioned, poetic personality. But their report on Edgar Allan Poe takes a turn for the creepy, and Varen and Isobel fall into a horrible situation, from which there may be no way out.  When I chose out this book, I had the impression it would be another sappy vampire novel, but it totally caught me off guard. Creagh made this book a wonderful experience to read, with plenty of action. Not to mention it featured my absolute favorite poet of all time, Edgar Allan Poe. I was hooked from the first chapter. This book is a perfect getaway for dark readers who need a break from vampires. Thank you Kelly Creagh!  MS-HS ESSENTIAL, Student Reviewer BT

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