Wednesday, April 11, 2018

All Aboard the Discovery Express by Emily Hawkins - ADVISABLE

Hawkins, Emily and Tom Adams All Aboard the Discovery Express, illustrated by Tom Clohosy Cole.  PICTURE BOOK/INTERACTIVE.  Quarto Kids, 2017.  $28.  9781847809902.

Welcome to Paris, France, 1937.  Climb aboard the Discovery Express to take a trip around the world and explore the wonders of transportation as it evolved from Da Vinci’s fanciful musings and on to modern (for 1937) flight.  Led by Nancy Delaney, you will follow information and clues left behind by Professor Pendleton, who disappeared just before departure.

A great “coffee table” book for an upper elementary child who likes learning about transportation.  Lots of flaps to lift, historical information, and clues to solve to find the professor.  It is rather text dense, but the illustrations help make it accessible.  

EL (K-3), EL – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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