Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Double Trouble by Lexi Ryals-OPTIONAL

Ryals, Lexi, Double Trouble. Pgs. 105. Disney Hyperion, 2015. Language: G, Mature Content: G, Violence: G

Liv and Maddie are twins and have always celebrated their birthdays together. This year, however, the two are having trouble agreeing on what they want the theme to be. Things only get more complicated when the two discover that they were born on different days. When a fight ensues between the two, Maddie starts feeling left out from her sister’s party plans. Will the two make up? Will they both get to have their ideal birthday party?

The characters are true to the tv series. They’re engaging, entertaining, and fairly well developed. The plot is simple, but enjoyable to read. Fans of the tv series, Liv and Maddie will not be disappointed. EL. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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