Thursday, March 5, 2015

Just Imagine by Pippa Goodhart - ADVISABLE

Goodhart, Pippa  Just Imagine Illustrated by Nick Sharratt Kane Miller, 2014.  $12.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.   

In this colorfully illustrated book each page spread has a question that will challenge the reader to use their imagination.  For example, one page asks the question: “Can you imagine being big?” and then it illustrated many creative examples of the fun and problems that would come with being really big.  There are around twenty different mini illustrations that show the different situations that a big person might face, such as a swimming pool would be like a tub and you would need dump trucks to fill your plate with food.  The illustrations are colorful and make the reader use their imagination in regards to what it would be like to be super small, live underground, be a wild animal or not human at all among other questions.  My boys laughed and enjoyed this fun engaging book.  

 EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.           

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