Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Science Comics: Plagues: the Microscopic Battlefield by Falynn Koch -OPTIONAL

Koch, Falynn Science Comics: Plagues: the Microscopic Battlefield, 122 pages.  NON-FICTION/GRAPHIC NOVEL. First Second, 2017.  $13.

A female scientist and her ECHO team have created technology that allows them to speak to germs, bacteria, viruses, ect. They created a simulated environment which allows them to learn about the immune system and how the bubonic plague and the Yellow fever plague interact. Together with a T cell and a variety of guests –the reader learns the in’s and out’s of the immune system and a whole lot about the history of plagues.

This isn’t the first book from the Science comics series I have reviewed but by far the most interesting topic –and I am still not a fan. It reads like a textbook that someone tried to inject some fun into. It got technical and confusing very quickly, the only parts I enjoyed were the historical components –I don’t think young readers will stick with it long enough to make it that far. The illustrations are busy and often small.

EL, MS – OPTIONAL Stephanie, Elementary School Librarian & Author

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