Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Maiden Voyage by Sarah Jane - ADVISABLE

Jane, Sarah Maiden Voyage, 256 pages.  Scholastic, JULY 2018.  $10.  Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (drowning victims mentioned)

Lucy, Abby, and Isabella are all passengers on the beautiful new Titanic.  Isabella doesn’t know why her parents have bundled her onto the ship, handed her a mysterious letter, and said goodbye like it’s forever.  Abby has boarded as the servant of Lucy and the rest of the Miles family, in her mother’s place, but the Mileses don’t know that she has also smuggled her little brother on board.  Lucy’s father has never been cuddly, but right now he is more distracted and more instantly cruel than ever before.  If fate can bring the three girls together to share their challenges, perhaps they can also together solve their problems.  What they don’t know is that fate has an even much crueler surprise in store for them.

Jane integrates the girls’ secrets into a look at the doomed voyage.  Most of my Titanic fiction books have aged out of the collection, so this is a sweet little addition. 

MS - ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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