Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Book of Blood by HP Newquist –ADVISABLE

Newquist, HP The Book of Blood: From Legends and Leeches to Vampires and Veins 160 pgs. Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2012. $15.38.  (Rating: PG-13 Mention of Sex, Anatomically correct diagram)
Everything you ever wanted to know about blood –from a detailed scientific and even mythical history to current knowledge and more. Lots of Pictures, diagrams, and illustrations. Features a cover that looks like its covered in blood which is sure to draw attention.
This book isn’t quite as youthful or interesting as it first appears. But it includes just about everything you could ever want to know, explained and presented clearly and concisely. Its far and away better than any book in my library on blood. The book may not be quite appropriate for elementary as it include some sex talk (in the Hippocratic oath!) and a fully anatomically correct drawing of a man. I loved all the blood, all over the book and its pages. I think students will fight over this, and maybe even learn something!!
MS, HS  –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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