Wednesday, April 5, 2017

It’s a Boa Constrictor! By Tessa Kenan –ADVISABLE

Kenan, Tessa It’s a Boa Constrictor! 24 pgs. Lerner, 2017.  $19.99.  Content: G.
This is a very basic book about Boa Constrictors. It includes information about where they live, what and how they eat, and their families. It features large photographs and bright page layouts.
I would be happy to have this book in my library. Its just right for Kindergarten or First grade readers to read to themselves. It has cover appeal and interesting information. A teacher could share it with the class and ask the questions provided to promote brainstorming, like why do you think snakes are different colors?

EL (K-3) –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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