Saturday, November 7, 2015

Two Girls Want a Puppy by Ryan and Evie Cordell -- OPTIONAL

Cordell, Ryan & Evie Two Girls Want a Puppy, illustrated by Maple Lam. PICTURE BOOK. HarperCollins, 2015. $17.99.

As the title states, these two girls really, really want a puppy of their own. Unfortunately for them, their dad is resistant. In response, they employ a variety of tactics to convince him, including being persistent, showing they are responsible, researching puppies, and writing a book. This is based on a true story, which adds a little more to the fun.

I admit I'm torn on this one. The illustrations are adorable, and I love that the book shows the importance of being responsible, informed pet owners. It also highlights the needs of millions of dogs who are living in animal shelters. In addition, it is great to see the sisters work together, and their plan is a smart one. Still, their first tactic, persistence, involves repeatedly begging their dad for a dog -- not necessarily something adults would like to encourage. In addition, the book implies that other children who follow the formula will also receive puppies of their own. While it might work in some cases, in others it could lead to heartbreak for the kids who fail or to dog-owners who are not fully committed (which is not good for the pets involved).

EL (K-3) -- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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