Monday, February 6, 2017

The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia - OPTIONAL

Garcia, Kami  The Lovely Reckless, 370 pgs.  Imprint, 2016 (Macmillan).  $18.99  Content: Language: R (100+ swear; 4 “F”); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.  

Frankie witnessed the murder of her boyfriend Noah and has struggled with PTSD ever since.  She wants so badly to remember what happened so she can find Noah’s killer, but she can’t seem to grasp the important events from that night.  When Frankie ends up living with her dad and going to a new school, she is drawn to bad boy Marco.  As she struggles with who she is now and what she wants for the future she can’t help but want Marco.  

This is a fun read with great characters and a romance with lots of chemistry.  I enjoyed the characters, the setting and the conflict and I was sucked into the story completely.  As for content, Noah is beaten to death and Frankie witnesses it.  There are some crude gestures that aren’t graphic but are there and the make out sessions are pretty heated.  This would be advisable except for the swear count.  

HS – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.  

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