Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snowflakes Fall by Maclachlan and Kellogg - ESSENTIAL

MacLachlan, Patricia and Steven Kellogg Snowflakes Fall, PICTURE BOOK. Random House, 2013, $17.99. Content: G

The water cycle with a focus on snowflakes is retold beautifully. We celebrate winter and all the fun outdoor things that come with it; things like sledding and snow angels are visually and verbally represented. 

I liked the beautiful watercolor illustrations/paintings. Upon reading the dedication I found that the book is dedicated to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in 2012, which made the book even more special to me. 

EL(K-3) ESSENTIAL Reviewer: SM

1 comment:

Caryn Caldwell said...

We checked this one out of the library the other day, and my daughter adores it. She keeps it by her bed so she can look through the pictures every night before she goes to sleep. It's a wonderful story. I hadn't noticed the dedication, though. It definitely adds another layer of meaning.