Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mirage by Kristi Cook - ADVISABLE

Cook, Kristi  Mirage Simon Pulse, 2012.  $16.99  374 pages  Content:  Language: R (40 swears;  4 “F” words); Sexual Content:  PG-13; Violence: PG).  

In this second book of the Haven series, Violet is with her friends and vampire boyfriend back at the boarding school Winterhaven for her senior year.   Violet’s vampire boyfriend, Aiden, is trying to find a cure for vampirism and Violet is learning more about her role as a vampire slayer.  With the help of friends, Violet and Aiden are determined to beat the odds of history and be together.  However, Aiden’s experiments with different serums to reverse his vampire blood cause him to act in violent ways without his knowledge.  Violet has to be able to stop him without hurting him.  

I liked the characters in this book.  Even though there are a lot of minor characters, the author does a great job developing them.  The conflict in the novel is unique which makes the storyline interesting.  The main character is strong and smart and she doesn’t wait around for others to save her, she takes action to help the people she cares about.  Fun series and I will read the next book in the series.  

HS-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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