Daralynn should be dead, but instead she was saved by being grounded. Her father, older brother, and younger sister recently died in a plane crash. Daralynn was supposed to be on that plane, but got grounded for going fishing without parental permission. Depressed, her mom decides to move her and Daralynn to Missouri where her aunt lives. There, her mom decided to open up a beauty salon and hairdress people for funerals for the local funeral home. When a cremator named Clem Monroe moves to town and starts dating her Aunt Josie, he becomes a threat to Daralynn’s fragile family in more way than one. When Daralynn catches Clem lying and acting suspicious around town, however, she decides to get to the bottom of what Clem’s been really up to once and for all. Can Daralynn figure out what Clem is really up to before her aunt gets too serious with him?
A quirky, touching mystery. The characters are memorable and likable. The plot is well-developed and unique. This book would be great for readers in grades 5 through 8 who like mystery, realistic fiction, or are dealing with grief.
EL, MS. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.
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