Friday, July 8, 2016

The Last Bogler by Catherine Jinks, illustrated by Sarah Watts - OPTIONAL

Jinks, Catherine. The Last Bogler, illustrated by Sarah Watts.  314 pages.  Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, 2016.  $16.99.  Sexual Content: G.  Language: G.  Violence: PG (the premise is that bogles are a monster that eats children and many children are missing). 

A companion to How to Catch a Bogle and A Plague of Bogles, The Last Bogler is told from the narrative perspective of Ned Roach and is chronologically the third book.  Ned Roach and Jem Barbary are now bogler’s boys, apprenticed to Alfred Bunce the bogle hunter.  Ned Roach is happy to have a permanent place to stay and a steady income for the first time in his orphan life.  But the world is changing and so are the bogles.  Can they find a way to defeat the bogles once and for all?  And if they do, what will become of Ned?  And what will become of his friends Jem and Birdie?  

Ned is a smart boy and helps the story along with his intelligence and bravery.  Birdie and Ms. Eames are interesting female characters that hold their own.  The plot moves quickly with plenty of action and bogle guts.  This book wraps up everyone’s stories.   Purchase only if the first two books are popular at your library. 

EL-OPTIONAL.  Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.  

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