Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze - ADVISABLE

Craze, Galaxy The Last Princess, 295 pgs.  Poppy, 2012.  $17.99  Content: Language: PG (1 swear); Violence: PG-13; Mature Content: PG.  

Eliza is the middle of three royal children in a barren England during the year 2090.  After her parents, the king and queen, have been killed by Cornelius Holister, Holister starts a revolution to overtake the government.  He succeeds in kidnapping Eliza’s sister and brother, but Eliza escapes through the grace of a soldier named Wesley.  After starving on the streets, Eliza joins Holister’s army in the attempt to find food, shelter and her siblings, but what she finds there sets her on a course to save her country.  

This is a fast paced, action packed story where I found myself hoping that the heroine would win.  The content of the book is clean enough for a middle school with the violence being mostly war violence.  This book can stand on its own with a satisfying enough ending, but there is going to be another book which I’m excited to read.  

MS, HS-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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