Monday, October 8, 2012

Picture Perfect by P.G. Kain - ADVISABLE

Kain, P.G. Picture Perfect (Commercial Breaks), 264 p. Simon, 2012.  $7.  Content: G.  

Cassie’s life is nothing like the picture perfect worlds she plays in commercials.  The only time her dad sees her is if he catches on of her commercials on his way through an airport or in his hotel room.  Cassie’s math professor mom is not as pretty or polished as the women who are cast with Cassie.  If only she could live in commercials always.  When Cassie screws up her grades, however, she may be banned from her beloved auditions is she doesn’t straighten up.  

SOOO cute!  Its hard to believe that these books are written by a man (sexist of me, I know), but Kain’s voice is spot on and while the content is clean, that doesn’t mean that it is fluffy.  And its already in paperback!!  

EL, MS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher.

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