Saturday, November 28, 2009

Troll’s Eye View by Ellen Datlow and terri Windling

Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling Troll’s Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales, 176 p. $16.99. Content: G. Datlow and Windling have collected another series of must read short stories, this time with a new look at the villains in classic fairy tales. My personal favorites are Garth Nix’s retake on Rapunzel as a major annoyance in The Unwelcome Guest and Catheryne M. Valente’s A Delicate Architecture, a very clever look at the origins of the witch in the story of Hansel and Gretel. Most of these stories could be fleshed out and published as a full-length novel in their own right. MS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library-Teacher.

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