Martinez, A. Lee Monster, 304 p. Orbit, 2009. $19.99. Language: R (150+ swears, 2 ‘f’), Sexual Content: R; Violence: PG-13 (lots of fighting). It all started when Judy found the yeti eating its way through the ice cream during her shift stocking shelves at the local grocery store. There she met Monster, a member of the Cryptobiological Containment and Rescue Services team and Just decides that she wants to remember, not just oh so conveniently forget, as most humans do when confronted by the unexplainable. But neither Monster nor Judy understand that the fate of our entire existence depends upon Judy – and that only Monster will be able to help her fulfill her destiny. I laughed out loud more times than I cared to count while reading this book. It is an excellent choice for adult readers – just not for schools. ADULT. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
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