Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunny and the Snowy Surprise by Laura Dower-ADVISABLE

Dower, Laura, ill. By John Steven Gurney. Sunny and the Snowy Surprise. Pgs. 124. Disney Hyperion, 2013. $4.99. Content: Language: G, Mature Content: G, Violence: G

When the Palace Puppies go to the Winter Palace for a vacation, they and their owners, James and Annie, rescue some Husky puppies. The Husky puppies, however, are a lot more rambunctious than anyone could’ve imagined. With a butler who is anti-puppy, can the puppies find a way to be happy and enjoy their owners?

A cute puppy novel for animal lovers. The illustrations are detailed and fun to look at. The story is simple and enjoyable. The puppies have adorable personalities and are easy to like. Readers who like puppies, stories about royalty, and adventure will enjoy reading this book. EL. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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