Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan - ESSENTIAL

Riordan, Rick The Red Pyramid, 516 p. Disney/Hyperion. 2010.  $17.99.  Violence: PG.  

Ever since their mother dies, Carter and his little sister have lived apart – Sadie with their mother’s parents in England and Carter with his globe-trotting father.  When the father-son pair come to England for their yearly visit to Sadie, things change quickly and drastically.  Their father is now gone and Sadie and Carter are in the care of their parents’ friend – Amos – whom they have never met.  Now they are supposed to believe that the Egyptian gods are real, that the two of them are very important and that they had better run for their lives, because there are a lot of people (and gods) who want them dead – SOON.  

Riordan does an excellent job spinning this new fantasy world – one that doesn’t feel like The Lightning Thief at all.  And after you finish this one, while you are waiting for #2 you should checkout Scott Mebus’ “Gods of Manhattan”, which, while similar is also different and also very entertaining.  

EL, MS, HS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library-Teacher.

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