Thursday, October 28, 2010

Torment by Lauren Kate

Kate, Lauren Torment, 452 p. Delacorte (Random), 2010.  $17.99.  Language – PG-13 (20 swears, 0’f’).  Fallen angel Daniel and Cam, his former enemy, are ready to hunt down Outcasts and protect Luce, Daniel’s eternal love, but in order for the plan to work, Luce must be some place safe.  Off to an exclusive prep school in California – but don’t tell Luce why she’s being moved into a school for Nephilim.  Instead of feeling safe, Luce is just confused – and hurt and kind of willing to be more than friends with Miles, a sweet, kind guy who actually shows Luce that he cares.  While the plot gets a little more convoluted, Luce finally finds her spine – and is willing to take her own steps to understand what has kept her and Daniel apart – sending her through life after life through centuries.  I actually liked this volume better than the first.  Read on, friends.  HS, MS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher.

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