Fitzpatrick, Becca Hush, Hush, 391 p. Simon and Schuster, 2009. $18.
Violence: PG.
Nora Grey, sophomore, has been surviving the murder of her father, with the help of her best friend Vee. When the mysterious, beautiful Patch arrives on the scene, Nora is more than intrigued, she is mesmerized, even though it is a game of push and pull between the pair. Vee, however, is more interested in Elliot and Jules, cute, polite and much friendlier than Patch. What the girls don’t know is that Patch is a fallen angel – and he has the chance to become a guardian angel, if he can only save a human. And Jules has a deep, dark past of his own. Which of the two is more dangerous?
This is Fitzpatrick’s first novel and I much enjoyed it. I read two fallen angel novels in one day, and this was hands down the better of the two.
Cindy, Library-Teacher.
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