Wednesday, May 22, 2024

We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon - OPTIONAL

We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon,  336 pages. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (Simon & Schuster), 2021.  $20.

Language: R (97 swears, 39 “f”); Mature Content: R (frequent, descriptive on-page sex and other instances of teenage sexuality, multiple instances of underage drinking); Violence: G;



18 yo Jewish Quinn Berkowitz is a realist with OCD who currently works for her family-run wedding planning business; however, she doesn’t believe in romance - not anymore. She has a deep & abiding crush on Tarek Mansour, who helps out with his family’s catering business. 19 yo Egyptian American Tarek is a romantic who believes in grand gestures. As they interact again & again throughout a summer of weddings, will they finally manage to both adjust their expectations of love and romance in order to be together?

First of all, I think this is a New Adult book rather than a Young Adult book since all the characters are over 18 and graduated from high school. I did appreciate the honest depictions of clinical OCD, anxiety, and clinical depression as well as having the characters going to therapy and following prescribed treatment regimen. I also loved that the main characters were religious minorities, something that I don’t see a lot of. However, there was a lot of explicit swearing and so much graphic sex on-page. Fans of romantic comedies will like the story, but I don’t recommend it for a school or classroom library because of the language and mature content.

Kiera Beddes, ELA teacher #bookswithbeddes 

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