Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Chasing Pacquiao by Rod Pulido - OPTIONAL

Chasing Pacquiao by Rod Pulido
, 272 pages. Viking Books for Young Readers, 2023. $19

 Language: R (100+ swears 3 'fs'); Mature Content: PG-13 (Bullying) Violence:  PG-13 (Boxing violence, Teenagers fighting) 



Agbayani Bobby is a gay, Filipino student at Westlake High School in Southern California. He keeps in the closet until he is outed by a fellow student. Rather than deny or cover up he decides to come out. He is bullied by fellow students who steal his bicycle. The bicycle is an important memento to Bobby as it was a gift from his deceased father. His best friend is Rosie, a quick witted, fierce, and loyal Latina friend. Bobby decides to counter the bullies by signing up at a local boxing gym. He gets a job there to pay for the fees. Luke, the owner of the gym, becomes Bobby's boxing coach and instructor. 

This is a heartfelt story of coming to terms with who you are and how to make your way in the world while navigating tricky events that occur. I loved that the chapters were called "Rounds". The story flows and is good. There is a lot of bullying. The plot seems predictable, and the characters are what might be expected. Bobby grapples with being gay in high school and culturally not acceptable. His hero the Filipino boxer, Manny Pacquiao, is running for political office and denounces homosexuals, which crushes Bobby. 

Bryant Baird, Librarian 

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