Friday, May 24, 2024

Deepfake by Sarah Darer Littman - ADVISABLE

Deepfake by Sarah Darer Littman, 352 pages. Scholastic Press, 2020. $11.

Language: PG13 (18 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Dara, the prospective valedictorian, is as shocked as the rest of the school when a video goes around of her accusing Will, the prospective salutatorian and her boyfriend, of cheating on his SAT retake. Words Dara swears she never said. With Will’s college acceptance and their relationship on the line, both of them are determined to find out where the video came from.

With a story about some high school sleuthing and intrigue, Littman illustrates how technology can be used for bad intentions, raising awareness of the dangers of technology and to be mindful of our online activities. While the plot is spread out, bookending the flashbacks, the slow mystery kept my interest. I also love that the adults in this book are willing to listen to the kids and aren’t portrayed as authoritative figures that have to be circumvented in order to help catch the bad guys.

Dara is depicted as white on the cover, and the majority of characters are implied white. Amir is implied Middle Eastern. The mature content rating is for kissing and illegal activity. The violence rating is for assault.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen 

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