Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Make Me A Liar by Melissa Landers - OPTIONAL

Make Me A Liar
by Melissa Landers
, 250 pages. Hyperion, 2023. $18 

Language: R (94 swears 1 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13 (mild crude talk and innuendo throughout book);  Violence: PG-13 (fighting, threats and use of stun gun and knife, no gore, mentions child abuse) 



Tia, a high school senior, is an immersionist which means she can head-hop into other people and take control of their body. After head hopping into a classmate to help with a bullying problem, she heads home to switch back into her body when she sees a special news bulletin. There has been a shooting on the steps of the courthouse and one victim has been confirmed dead. Then she sees her body kneeling on the ground, confessing and giving herself up to the police. Tia is momentarily paralyzed and can’t believe what she is seeing. Who took her body? As she races home to verify that her body is gone she wonders who would know where to find her body and how would they know she was head-hopping at that moment? There are not very many people who even know her secret and she’s pretty sure none of them would tell anyone. Now Tia has to decide who she can trust and solve the mystery to clear her name. 

Landers writes a mystery that unfolds at a good pace with a few surprises, and an added bit of science fiction, although I would have liked more background on Tia’s ability. That being said, the story is engaging with smart, clever characters, some romance and funny parts which all add up to a very satisfying read. One character is described as having dark skin, but most are not mentioned. 

RB reviewer 

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