Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Ozland by Wendy Spinale - ADVISABLE

Ozland by Wendy Spinale, 288 pages.  Scholastic Press, 2018.  $18.

Language: G, Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (deaths, some blood)



The survivors of the destruction of Everland and Umberland are desperate to stop the Bloodred Queen and save the world from the Horologia virus. It will take each one of them, plus a few new characters and a lot of sacrifice, to triumph.

With the introduction of a third world and more characters, Spinale overloads her slim book with just too much.  I was distracted with keeping track of everyone and couldn’t really enjoy the deft inclusion of the Oz characters as much as I had meting the other worlds. Spinale really does a great job of adding in the people and action from the classic novels – I think she deserved more than 300 pages to give full play to the ambitious scope of her world. 

Cindy, Middle School Librarian

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