In India
during the 1920s, Rosalind finds herself trying to find a balance between two
worlds. She is an ex-pat in India with a father who is an officer in the
British Indian Army and is enjoying all the trappings of being a British citizen
of the occupying country while trying to connect to the occupied. She is aware
of Gandhi and the increasing support for him and his movement for
independence. This is a effort she
supports and will do what she can to advance the cause, but does she really
understand what she is doing and the consequences her actions may bring about?
story successfully tells of the struggles in India during the British
occupation at a time when change was beginning. Rosalind is a well-drawn
character who believably mixes activist zeal with the naiveté that is often
seen in teenagers. Her choices and the consequences they bring about allow for
an understanding that sometimes what seems right may not be what is best. Readers
will come to appreciate the problems inherent with imperialism and Social
Darwinism and have a better grasp of what is involved when change is sought. The
characters in the book have a few too many convenient moments to allow the
story to progress, but that is a small snag in the overall story.
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