Friday, August 31, 2012

Wild About you by Judy Sierra –ADVISABLE

Sierra, Judy and Illustrated by Brown, Marc Wild About You! 40 pgs. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2012. $10.79  (Rating: G)
All the animals and creatures at the zoo are having babies. But not the tree kangaroo or the pandas, so they are sad. But when a new egg arrives, none of the animals know what kind of baby is inside. But the kangaroo doesn’t care and is even when it turns out to be a penguin, which wasn’t what she was hoping for, she loves it even more. Every animal at the zoo helps to take care of it. Next its the Pandas turn.
With some great themes about community, adoption, and unconditional love –well you can’t go wrong. Not to mention the great art by Marc Brown. Its slightly lyrical, very colorful, and sweet as can be.
EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian 

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