Orr, Wendy. Wanted! A Guinea Pig Called Henry. Illustrated by Patricia Castelao. 128 pgs. Henry Holt and Co., 2012. $5.99. Language- G, Mature Content- G, Violence- G.
This book is about a girl named Sam who wants to buy a pet. The problem is that she lives in an apartment. She discusses it with her parents over dinner and they agree to get a guinea pig. She goes to the Rainbow Street Animal Shelter and looks at all the guinea pigs. She has her eye on a blond one. That night she dreams about this blond guinea pig and when she goes to the shelter the next day, she sees a little black guinea pig named Henry. In her dreams that night, the blond guinea pig turned black haired. When she got to the animal shelter the next day, she ends up getting Henry. Her brother gets jealous that she had a pet and he doesn’t. How will they solve this family problem?
EL (K-3) ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewed: JL-age 9.
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