Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood by Eileen Cook

Cook, Eileen Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood, pgs 261. Simon & Schuster, 2010. $15.99. Language- PG-13 (45-47 swears, no "f"), Sexual Content- PG-13; Violence-PG. Helen Worthington wants revenge, at all costs. Her former best friend made a choice, to humiliate Helen in front of everyone. Helen might have moved away, but the battle is far from over. Helen decides to move back with a new identity to make sure Lauren's senior year the worst it could be. I would recommend this book but only to those who can handle swearing. I didn't think all the swearing was necessary, but overall I really enjoyed this book. MS, HS- OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: BJS

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