Friday, July 10, 2009

The Awakening by Marley Gibson

Gibson, Marley The Awakening (Ghost Huntress #1), 338 p. Graphia (Houghton), 2009. $8.99. Language: PG-13 (100 swears, no ‘f’). Kendall’s dreams have been haunted, ever since her family moved to small-town Radisson. Even her white noise machine produces voices to disturb her sleep. With the acquisition of a few new friends, Kendall becomes part of a ghost hunters group – and their expertise will be needed in order to save Kendall’s own father from a malignant spirit. Kendall’s adventures are great to read, but there is plenty of swearing, making it more for your haunt-loving high school students. MS –OPTIONAL, HS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library-Teacher.

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