Friday, October 11, 2024

Rewind by Lisa Graff - OPTIONAL

Rewind by Lisa Graff, 248 pages. Philomel (Penguin), 2023. $18.

Content: G



Every June, McKinley’s hometown celebrates a different year in history - this year it is 1993 - back to when her parents were teens! McKinley even has the perfect 90’s outfit for the fashion show.  When she finds herself back in the real 1993, she is shocked by what she finds - the adults she knows are totally different people than they were as kids. And McKinley has to help someone make a change in order to get back to her own time - but what and who is it supposed to be?

As time travel books go, Graff has kept this one pretty simple - even though McKinley does dive into the mind-stretching part of the concept right at the end. Watching McKinley’s adults as teens is quite funny - especially the adult who wants to lock her in a room for the whole time she is there.  While I enjoyed the trip back, I’d rather have a historical fiction book about the time period, rather than a time travel book dipping into it.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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